Welcome Home Beauty…

At Be All You Dream Of, our mission is to support women in their journey of self-awareness, self-discovery and self-healing.  We believe that everyone has the potential to live a brilliant life.  By allowing your ‘light to lead’ you on your way home, to truth and your own authenticity. We help you to let go of whatever is holding us back, showing you ways to navigate life’s storms, by bringing you back when you are feeling down and diminished by life’s challenges and taking everything so seriously! By working with a counsellor or coach, going deep within, breaking limits and perceptions to achieve their fullest potential.  We hold space to connect women to their true selves, working with and releasing emotional patterns, the body’s own intelligence and your own symbolism, to heal the past and become full in who they are.  Living an embodied life in alignment with your own expression.

Beauty is being empowered in your own expression:

  • Having inner confidence and inner belief
  • Breaking free from negative thinking and believing the old paradigms, stories and messages others have told you about yourself and your situation.  You and you alone know what is best for you.
  • Being adaptable to change
  • Being grateful for the light and joy that is accessible by and for you.
  • Expressing your true feelings, and your true colours and being able to celebrate who you are. 
  • Accepting all parts of who you are
  • Deep diving into your emotional self
  • Identify our self-created illusions, the ideas, stories beliefs, patterns and emotions that keep us feeling stuck and prevent us from living out our dreams and goals.

Are you ready to let your light lead you home to be the Brilliance that you are and allow yourself to live your life freely without the encumbrances of the past?  To connect to the truth of who you are.

We hold the wisdom of what we need within our bodies.  We also hold the stories of our past, trapped within our bodies and cells.  This comes out in our everyday lives as stress, anxiety, stuck-ness, depression, sadness.  When we tap into our own inner wisdom, we can begin to unravel the fear and stuck energy that we have held onto for far too long.  Opening up to the healing we need, release the boredom and loss of purpose and meaning in our life.

Imagine what your life would be like if you were no longer held back by your unresolved fears, stresses and unloved parts of yourself.  Tapping into your own inner wisdom, you can unlock the frozen parts of yourself and learn to embrace your self-worth, self-love and care for all parts of you.   

Hi I’m Tanya…

I do what I do because, I have been on my own inner journey. Had my own therapy, sought natural therapy to help me heal, deal and get through.  I have been on retreats, had others hold space for me and learnt what works best for me, along the way.  My aim is to support you, on your own journey to be your own brilliance so you can shine your light, in the world.  Being free to reach your potential, live your life on purpose, with empowered intuition and connection to your body to reclaim your heart and your voice.

Working with Tanya …

Counselling: to relieve your stress, improve your coping abilities, raise your awareness to help you understand yourself and others, so you can put things into perspective.

Coaching: helps you to reach your potential, creating self-awareness and redefining your self-belief system, giving you skills to live your best life.

Enhance your VIBE Essences: Vibrational essences are remedies that can create a shift in awareness, sense of yourself and changes your perception, so you sit comfortably, within your body. 

Therapeutic Art Journalling: Using an art journal to work through the stuff in your life and grow through self-awareness and self-discovery.  Journal how to love yourself, how to forgive yourself and work through, the life you have experienced so far.

Joining a Program: I have a number of different programs on offer, to find out what and how I can help, check out my online programs.